Beat the Heat: Top Tips for Managing Rosacea This Summer

Summer is a time for enjoying the great outdoors, basking in warm weather, and soaking up the sunshine. However, for those with Rosacea, this season can present a range of challenges. Rosacea is a chronic skin condition affecting millions globally, often manifesting as redness, small bumps, or swollen blood vessels on the face, neck, and chest. The hot summer weather can exacerbate Rosacea symptoms, leading to flares and increased sensitivity. With a few management tips, you can control your symptoms and fully enjoy the summer season.

Wear Sun Protection Every Day

Sun damage is one of the most significant triggers for Rosacea symptoms, making daily sunscreen use essential. Even if you don’t plan to spend much time outdoors, apply a broad-spectrum, fragrance-free sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30. Reapply every few hours for continued protection. Additionally, protect your skin with a hat, sunglasses, and seek shade when possible. Mineral-based sunscreens are the best option as they are not chemical-based. All sunscreens at MGMA3 are mineral-based.

Stay Cool and Hydrated

Hot temperatures, humidity, and sweat can trigger Rosacea flares, especially if heat lingers on your skin for too long. Keep yourself cool by staying in air-conditioned spaces or using fans. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated from the inside out, helping to prevent dryness and irritation.

Simplify Your Skincare Routine

Summer’s hot and sticky weather can make your skin more sensitive. Avoid using too many products on your skin. Opt for a mild, fragrance-free cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen to prevent irritation. If you have dry or sensitive skin, choose gentle, hydrating products that won’t dry out your skin or clog pores. If you’re unsure which products to use, book a FREE skin analysis with MGMA3 for personalized recommendations.

Take Care with Exercise

Exercise can help manage Rosacea symptoms but can also make your skin more sensitive, especially when sweating. Try to work out in air-conditioned spaces or during cooler morning hours to prevent your skin from overheating. Ensure you wipe down exercise equipment before and after use to avoid bacteria build-up.

Manage Stress

Stress is another common trigger for Rosacea flares and can be challenging to avoid. Manage your stress levels with simple techniques like deep breathing or meditation. Yoga or other types of gentle exercise can also help calm your mind and body, reducing the likelihood of stress-induced flares.


Managing Rosacea during the summer requires extra attention to your skin’s needs. Applying sunscreen daily, staying cool, simplifying your skincare routine, exercising with care, and managing stress levels can help keep Rosacea under control. Remember, everyone’s Rosacea is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. It’s best to work with your doctor or clinic, like MGMA3, to create the best treatment plan for your individual needs. By following these tips, you can minimize Rosacea flares this summer and enjoy all the season has to offer.